by Angela Siefer | Oct 6, 2021 | Digital Inclusion News, Digital Inclusion Week
All NDIA assets are under creative commons. We encourage you to use these and remix them however is most useful – in presentations, on social media, etc. Shoutout credit to National Digital Inclusion Alliance and @netinclusion on Twitter is always appreciated...
by Yvette Scorse | Oct 4, 2021 | Digital Inclusion News, Digital Inclusion Week
Hundreds of Nonprofits, Companies & Government Officials Will Participate Today, the whole country is aware, on some level, of digital inequities. During the pandemic, people have personally felt the necessity and urgency of having high-speed internet,...
by Shauna Edson | Aug 30, 2019 | Digital Inclusion Week
We want to hear from you! Digital Inclusion Week (DIW) is October 7-11, 2019, and with your help we can move closer to our common goal: that all people have access to the Internet and the tools they need to use it. The week, sponsored by the National...
by Infamia | May 10, 2018 | Digital Inclusion Week, events
The 2018 Summit in Portland OR is designed to share local insights, identify knowledge gaps and to continue our collaborative work to achieve digital equity. Participants will take advantage of inspirational keynotes, panel discussions, and networking breaks to help...
by Infamia | Feb 27, 2018 | Digital Inclusion News, Digital Inclusion Week
Digital Inclusion Week is October 7-11, 2019 and with your help, we can move closer to our common goal: that all people have access to the Internet and the tools they need to use it. Use these tools to amplify the effort and call attention to the importance of...
by Infamia | May 11, 2017 | Digital Inclusion News, Digital Inclusion Week
By Munirih Jester, NTEN Digital Inclusion Fellow The San Antonio Housing Authority provides housing assistance to over 65,000 children, adults and senior citizens; and partners with more than 35 social service agencies to provide education, training and medical...