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Sandy Tharp-Thee

Alabama Quassarte Tribal Town

Rovena is the Library Director for the Alabama Quassarte Tribal Town.  Her library is well organized and loved.  Thanks to a donor for our project the Alabama Quassarte Tribal Town now has four public access computers in the library. There were none before.  Rovena does have one for her use. Oklahoma Department of Libraries was also able to donate some new children’s books too. Rovena presently does not have a book budget but will be applying for the IMLS Basic Native American Grant, which is non-completive and has recently been increased up to $10,000.  I am hoping that Rovena will be attending ATALM this year.  She has become one of my favorite persons. – I show up with cables all in tangles and she help untangle them.   Of course, after all the untangling we discover they are incorrect and nothing works.  It takes four trips to get all the right cables, the fourth donated computer and books delivered.  They are all meaningful times and include talks about programming, funding and free resources.  Indian Health Services online, a favorite of mine for free diabetes materials and books is shared and Rovena placed her first order that will arrive soon.  On my most recent visit one of the co-workers said computers are so important in the library.  In their community, people do not have computers at home.  She was excited about the new books and said she would be bringing her children to check out some.