Do the Work
At the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA), our commitment to fostering digital inclusion and equity is driven by three primary areas of focus: Program Support, Policy, and Research & Data. Each of these buckets plays a crucial role in bridging the digital divide and ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to thrive in the digital age.
Program Support
NDIA’s commitment to advancing digital equity is reflected in our comprehensive program support. We understand that digital inclusion takes many forms, and local programs play a crucial role in addressing the unique needs of their communities. We provide a wealth of support and relevant resources to local digital inclusion programs that empower communities and bridge the digital divide, bringing us closer to achieving digital equity for all.
NDIA focuses our policy efforts on leveraging, sustaining, and expanding funding and support to programs that provide digital navigation services, access to affordable broadband service, appropriate devices, and digital skills training and support.
We advocate for local, state, and federal policies to promote digital equity and support local digital inclusion strategies.
Research & Data
NDIA’s approaches to advancing digital equity are grounded in comprehensive research and innovative strategies that address its multifaceted challenges. We actively engage with local and national organizations, practitioners, and community leaders to collaborate on research, share data, identify specific challenges, and inform the development of programs that enhance access to affordable internet and essential resources.
Comprised of digital inclusion practitioners, advocates, and supporters working within communities to advance digital equity, the NDIA Community forms the strong, growing core of digital inclusion work in the United States, and we always welcome new members. Join our community today and help us achieve digital equity across the country.
NDIA Resource Library
NDIA combines grassroots community engagement with technical knowledge, research, and coalition building to advocate for people working in their communities to achieve digital inclusion. As part of this work, we provide resources that community members and organizations can use to advance digital equity.