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New to Digital Inclusion?

Get Started

The digital divide is the issue. Digital Inclusion is the work. Digital equity is the goal.
Webinar: Digital Inclusion 101

Across the country, community organizations, libraries, local governments, and others have been working to end the digital divide for decades. NDIA brought the community together to create shared definitions, share resources, and learn what works and doesn’t. Watch our Digital Inclusion 101 webinar to orient yourself in the work and make a solid foundation to build towards digital equity.

Net Inclusion

The Net Inclusion conference has been a staple in the digital inclusion community since 2016, bringing hundreds of practitioners, advocates, academics, internet service providers, and policymakers together to share knowledge, resources, and best practices. Attending Net Inclusion is a great way to immerse yourself in the work and gain a firm footing in digital inclusion.

Beginner Resources

Our beginner-friendly resources will assist you in understanding the fundamental concepts and practices that can help bridge the digital divide. Whether you’re an individual passionate about digital equity, a community leader, or a new digital navigator looking to make a difference, NDIA has you covered.

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