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Announcing the Digital Inclusion Resource Library

I’m very happy to invite all of you to contribute and participate in a project to help digital inclusion practitioners share resources with each other. Please distribute this message to any lists or professional groups you think would find it useful.

At, you’ll find the beginnings of a new collection of documents, reports, teaching aids and other assets used by digital inclusion practitioners of all stripes. The platform will not only serve up community tools, but can point out to interactive content as well.

Part of what will keep this project going is community engagement and activity. Your contributions of staff guidance, training plans, policy documents and more will help us all avoid repetition, and begin to more actively develop best practices around Digital Literacy, Home Broadband Adoption, Community Networking, Device Refurbishment, Hotspot Lending, Coalition Building and much, much more.

We need practitioners and advocates to contribute all of their content, and when possible serve as mediators for the platform, helping us review metadata and suitability of submissions as we build and grow. 

You can sign up to participate at

If your institution has a large collection of materials, bulk uploading accommodations can be made to help expedite the process.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

This platform is made possible by a cooperative project of the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA), the PAST Foundation, and of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Grant #MG-00- 17-0002- 17.

We are grateful to our technology partners at Related Works for helping us develop this platform using their digital asset management system.