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Laura Breeden

Black Lives Matter

A message from the NDIA Board of Directors:

A small group of diverse, committed volunteers formed NDIA in 2015 to extend the work of bringing disadvantaged communities online by supporting and advocating for organizations that do this work. Our strength comes from our diverse backgrounds and from our commitment, and yours, to overcoming injustice in any form. It is our privilege to continue this work with all of you.

In light of recent events – events that have their roots in 400 years of racism – we are called to do more. NDIA is committed to shining a light on these destructive ideologies, which erode our humanity. We do this in our programs, our communications, and our relationships with groups that are working to end racism permanently. We want you to know NDIA is paying attention. At all times, we do our best to strive for civil, economic, and social justice.