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Emily Kissane

Building a Digital Inclusion Repository from the Ground Up

A project of the Digital Inclusion Corps that will be coming to fruition shortly is a repository of digital inclusion
materials that will be open to practitioners and others interested in the topic. You’ll hear more about this
exciting resource towards the beginning of October.

During the past few weeks, a few of us Corps members have been assisting with some of the behind-the- scenes tasks necessary for launch – drafting the taxonomy, writing an accompanying glossary, and tagging sample documents. It’s always a valuable and interesting experience to be part of building something from scratch. You have the chance to challenge and think through assumptions and also have colleagues’ insights to make the process and product better.

Based on what I’ve seen so far, the repository will be an invaluable resource for many people in the field when it’s fully built. Whether you’re looking for Spanish language curricula on resume writing or samples of
community needs assessments, you’ll find something helpful there.

Changing the subject…

You may remember I’ve written about Leech Lake Tribal College in previous blog posts. The campus received
welcome news recently when they were rated the best community college in the U.S. by WalletHub. They base rankings on factors such as graduation rates, student-faculty ratios, tuition, and job placement success. The college was ranked 54 th last year. The college was founded in 1990 by the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe.
