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Angela Siefer

December Webinars: Diving into the Infrastructure Act & Digital Inclusion 101

Digital Inclusion Funding in the Infrastructure Bill

December 7, 2021, 2 p.m. EST
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, as recently passed by Congress, appropriates over $65 billion to states, local governments, community organizations, and other entities for a range of digital inclusion activities. To help you better understand and navigate these funds, NDIA is hosting a special webinar to break down different sources of funding included in the Infrastructure Bill, who can access this funding, and what the funding can be used for.
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Digital Inclusion 101

December 15, 2021, 1 p.m. EST
Digital Inclusion practitioners have been working to end the digital divide for decades, creating their own community, definitions, resources, and gaining knowledge of what works and doesn’t. Digital inclusion is a multifaceted issue that takes time to understand and NDIA is here to help!

COVID 19 has shed a light on Digital Inclusion and brought many new fields, practitioners, and activists to the community. To assist them, NDIA is hosting a Digital Inclusion 101 every two months, including topics around:

  • NDIA’s resources and community
  • digital inclusion definitions
  • who is not connected
  • digital redlining
  • digital Navigators
  • local digital inclusion efforts
  • federal policy around digital inclusion
  • visualizing the data
  • digital inclusion trailblazers
  • solutions
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