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Yvette Scorse

Digital Inclusion Week 2022 Is Officially the Biggest Yet

Digital Inclusion Week

Digital Inclusion Week just launched and is already the biggest yet, with the nationwide event and campaign now in its seventh year. As of Monday afternoon, more than 200 organizations had registered to take action or hold events during the week. This was over 100 percent more than in 2021, which beat previous years’ records.

It’s not too late to join the movement and get involved! With the 2022 theme Turning Our Moment into Movement, it’s the perfect time to support digital inclusion in your community or join the fight for digital equity nationwide.


Join the Movement This Week, October 3-7

  1. Feel the Sense of Community – Enjoy our annual Digital Inclusion Week community video (above) and see some of the drivers of this movement from 30 different organizations. From young people, to a mayor, and multilingual community digital navigators, they are clearly turning our moment into movement!
  2. Participate on Social Media with #DIW2022 – If you haven’t joined the movement yet on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram, now is the time! Click to participate and don’t forget to use #DIW2022.
  3. Get More Resources & Get on the Map – This year, we’re showing you where the movement is…and it’s probably in your community too! Check the spreadsheet and map to join your local community. While you’re there, take 1 minute to sign up and join 200+ organizations. 
Visit the DIW Webpage to Get Involved

Special Thanks to the Digital Inclusion Week 2022 Committee

Digital Inclusion Week is a movement from the ground up. This year’s DIW is possible thanks to the volunteer committee who worked with NDIA to share resources, hold pre-events, and come up with fresh ideas for community action.

Oneisha Freeman – Inspiredu in Atlanta, GA – Committee Co-Chair

Aneta Lee – FUSE Corps in Birmingham, AL – Committee Co-Chair

Lily Abha Cratsley-Tech Goes Home, Lauren Cotter-Community Tech Network, Brittany-Rae Gregory-Next Century Cities, Claire Hegstrom-Alliant Credit Union, Abjot “Abby” Kaur-City of Long Beach, Sammy Lowdermilk-Tech Goes Home Chattanooga, Barbara McDonald Loe-VIA3, Patricia Oppito-VIA3, Jess Ross-Austin Free-Net, Ricky Santiago-City of Louisville, Patricia Steward-Chicago Housing Authority, Lupe Valenzuela-Chicanos Por La Causa, Crystal Yamasaki-Crystal Clear Communications

Thanks to Our DIW2022 Terabyte Sponsor