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Digital Inclusion Week: San Antonio Housing Authority

By Munirih Jester, NTEN Digital Inclusion Fellow

The San Antonio Housing Authority provides housing assistance to over 65,000 children, adults and senior citizens; and partners with more than 35 social service agencies to provide education, training and medical services for our clients.

The San Antonio Housing Authority’s ConnectHome program has connected Public Housing residents with digital literacy training, devices and broadband access. On this video is Tanaire Martinez, one of SAHA’s residents that completed the ConnectHome training.

Tanairie Martinez, a single mom of two children, worked multiple jobs for years to make ends meet. In 2016, Martinez participated in ConnectHome, an innovative pilot program that seeks to accelerate the  adoption and use of broadband technology by children and families living in assisted housing. Tanairie went on to become a ConnectHome digital ambassador, making herself available to serve as a resource to her neighbors. With the experience she gained as an ambassador, she sought and  interviewed for a technical support position and landed a higher-paying job  on the  spot. Tanairie said with only a high school diploma she had not been  able  to secure such positions. However, with her new  career she’s financially stable enough to only  work one job and spend more time with her children.