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Bill Callahan

Webinar: Using FCC Form 477 Census tract and block data

Interested in learning about the FCC’s public data on local broadband access and adoption, and how to make it useful for your community?

On November 15, NDIA’s Bill Callahan will hold a two-hour hands-on webinar for affiliates on “Using FCC Form 477 Census tract and block data”. This Zoom session, scheduled from 1 pm to 3 pm EST, will focus on practical procedures and tools for acquiring, handling and mapping the FCC’s data on fixed broadband connections (for Census tracts) and fixed broadband deployment (for Census blocks) in your locality.

An NDIA Webinar: Using FCC Form 477 Census tract and block data
Wednesday, November 15, 2007      1 to 3 pm EST

Please let us know by November 8 if you’re planning to participate, by email to [email protected].

(Please note: Participants should be familiar with software for handling very large spreadsheet files, and for mapping data with U.S. Census geolocation codes and shapefiles. If you’re interested but need some prior help in either of these areas, contact Bill at the same email address.)