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Angela Siefer

IDIW2018 Webinar

In partnership with the Australian Digital Inclusion Alliance, Good Things Foundation (UK) and All Digital (Europe), IDIW 2018 includes an online panel discussion. The four panelists represent a variety of digital inclusion activities. The panel will highlight our similarities, challenges and differences, and offers the opportunity for international information exchange. This your chance to ask questions of digital inclusion practitioners from four different countries!

The webinar is free. Registration is required!
Monday October 15 @ 6:00PM EDT (UTC -4)

Our panelists and facilitators:

Kathleen Smeaton


Kathleen is a librarian, educator and researcher with a background in digital and information literacy research and practice. She is currently leading the Digital Literacy project at the University of Queensland, where she is working to implement the library’s Digital and Information Literacy Framework by developing a suite of modules designed to be used across courses to help students improve their digital literacy.


Munirih Jester


Munirih is originally from Brazil and has an educational background is in Public Policy, Nonprofit Management, and Urban and Regional Planning. Munirih has been working on Digital Inclusion efforts for the past 4 years. Currently, she is the Connecthome Coordinator for San Antonio Housing Authority and is a lead member of the San Antonio Digital Inclusion Alliance – a citywide coalition that aims to bridge the digital divide.


Brad Howarth


Brad is a speaker, researcher and writer with more than 20 years’ experience in technology-driven transformation. As a journalist he has written for publications such as BRW and The Australian, and remains a regular contributor to numerous publication. He has authored three books, one of which, A Faster Future (co-authored with Janelle Ledwidge) investigated the impact of broadband-related technologies on individuals and businesses.


Shauna Edson

Online Moderator

Shauna is the Digital Inclusion Coordinator at The Salt Lake City Public Library, and works with Library staff and community partners to create long-term digital inclusion programming in the communities the Library serves. Shauna is the Co-Founder/Leader of Utah Communities Connect: Utah’s Digital Alliance, and Chairs NDIA’s Digital Inclusion Week.


Achilles Kameas


Achilles is an Associate Professor of Pervasive Computing Systems with Hellenic Open University. He holds a Computer Engineering Diploma, certificate in Adult / Open and Distance Education, and Ph.D. in Human-Computer Interaction. In 2000 he established the DAISSy research group (Dynamic Ambient Intelligent Social Systems), aiming to contribute to the realization of a humane society by inventing technology that adapts and supports human needs.


Nicola Wallace Dean


Nicola is the Programme Lead for the Starting Point Community Learning Partnership in Stockport, a social enterprise focused on creating exceptional community learning spaces. She also has more than 10 years experience in developing and delivering IT training for organisations including IBM, Merseyside Police and the Ministry of Justice.


Kate Davis

Webinar Operator

Kate Davis is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Southern Queensland’s Digital Life Lab. She is a social scientist who researches information experience, particularly in the context of social media. A librarian by trade, Kate also undertakes applied research in library and information studies. She has been working with the Australian Digital Inclusion Alliance on a range of projects throughout 2018.
