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Drew Lauderdale

Incorporating Digital Inclusion into STEM Programming

Hello, all! I think it’s time that I give a quick project update for Digital Inclusion New Mexico.I’m excited to say that my host institution, Explora Science Museum, has agreed to experiment with museum outreach in a few key ways. We will be implementing trials to facilitate more digitally focused educational activities during our outreach. Doing so and preserving Explora’s dedication to open ended and hands on education will be a challenge, but one I am confident this pilot can tackle with the help of Explorers Education and Exhibits teams.

The Digital Inclusion pilot will also be experimenting with device lending at our events. We hope to conduct trials of lending both mobile hotspots and chromebooks from the Explora vans during Family Science Nights. Because we hold our outreach Family Science Nights at institutions directly in the communities we wish to better serve, trial lending from our vans at these events will give us an opportunity to extend the front desk of the museum so much farther, and provide community members the opportunity to take digital lessons they learn with us home for continued exposure and investigation.

Contingent with the Digital Inclusion Pilots mission, the bulk of these lessons will be focused on enhancing access to education, information, employment, well-being, and social connections. Explora, as the host of these nights will use this enhanced digital outreach to promote exposure to STEM education, and more generously give opportunities for sustained family learning.

Leveraging my ground assessment in the early phases of this pilot, I have offered an open invitation to participate with us in future outreach. I see a place for libraries, financial organizations, Community Colleges, and other pillars of our community not only hosting a family science night, but working with us during the event to promote better access to, and use of technology in rural New Mexico. I hope to update you on the successes, failures, and lessons learned in this project.