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Emily Kissane

Minnesota’s LSTA Five Year Plan Includes Digital Inclusion

The Institute of Museum and Library Services recently approved Minnesota’s Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) five year plan for 2018-2022. The plan is required by LSTA, the legislation that authorizes IMLS to distribute Grants to States funding. The planning process and document are intended to give each State Library Administrative Agency (in Minnesota’s case, State Library Services (SLS)) the opportunity to analyze libraries’ needs throughout the state and to identify activities to help meet those needs.

One of the Minnesota plan’s primary goals focuses on digital inclusion: Libraries facilitate digital equity and literacy. Quoting the plan, “SLS will support equitable access to broadband and efforts to promote its adoption and use, including digital and information literacy initiatives. SLS will encourage the innovative integration of technology into services for all people of Minnesota.”

SLS will work towards this goal by supporting libraries who wish to implement innovative services to improve digital inclusion in their communities. This effort will require developing greater knowledge about diverse community needs, building relationships, and sharing expertise and opportunities for learning from each other. SLS also will support digital inclusion via grant opportunities.