NDIA is happy to announce our EBB webpage filled with materials intent on helping the unconnected fully understand this federal broadband subsidy. EBB is the first time the federal government invested in broadband adoption in a targeted, significant way. NDIA advocated for this program and is now committed to supporting our community’s EBB outreach. These resources are provided for digital inclusion practitioners and others supporting the outreach of EBB. Feel free to remix, adapt, and build upon this work non-commercially. Please acknowledge the work that went into your new materials by noting the source.
What you will find here:
- A list of definitions of commonly used terms
- Answers to frequently asked questions
- Other EBB Resources – including outreach guidance
- A link to register for our upcoming EBB webinar
On Monday, March 29th at 4 PM ET, we will be hosting an EBB webinar to explain the program and answer any questions that participants might have. We encourage you to register and attend.
If there are any questions, please reach out to Sean Davis – for more information.
Go to the EBB Webpage