Digital inclusion coalitions are increasingly being recognized as a key element of communities’ digital inclusion ecosystems. Back in 2017, NDIA published the first Digital Inclusion Coalition Guidebook, reflecting lessons learned from six established community-wide digital inclusion coalitions.
Today we are pleased to launch an updated edition of the Digital Inclusion Coalition Guidebook. Over the past five years, the digital inclusion field has evolved dramatically, and the number and diversity of community-wide place-based coalitions has expanded to keep pace.
The updated guidebook was developed with the input and accumulated experiences of 23 coalitions, at various stages of development, from communities around the country.
Formed in partnership between community anchor organizations, advocates, and digital inclusion practitioners, digital inclusion coalitions strive to develop models and structures to fit their community’s unique needs and reality. Digital inclusion coalitions are living organizations that continually adapt and connect people around the shared goal of supporting and growing their community’s digital inclusion programs, policies, and organizations.
The new Digital Inclusion Coalition Guidebook provides an in-depth look at successful models and recurring themes across coalitions, accompanied by best practices, lessons learned, and specific recommendations from the field. Some of the key themes covered in the guidebook include:
- how coalitions form and are structured
- keys to successful coalition operations
- ways coalitions adapt over time to maintain effectiveness and sustainability
The guidebook is intended for individuals and organizations who are committed to advancing digital equity in their community and who recognize the value of coalitions in achieving that goal. Whether you are exploring the possibility of forming a coalition in your community, or you are part of an established coalition looking to refine your approach, we encourage you to explore the guidebook and hope it will be a valuable resource in your digital inclusion work.
The updated Digital Inclusion Coalitions Guidebook was made possible thanks to support from Schmidt Futures, a philanthropic initiative founded by Eric and Wendy Schmidt. NDIA is proud to make materials like this guidebook available for free to our whole community.
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