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Angela Siefer

NDIA Signs On Letter Encouraging FCC Protect Privacy of Broadband Consumers

NDIA signed on to a letter sent to the FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler encouraging the FCC to take steps that protect consumer privacy via our broadband providers. The letter was signed by 59 organizations, including NDIA. The letter states:

“Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing strong rules to protect consumers from having their personal data collected and shared by their broadband provider without affirmative consent, or for purposes other than providing broadband Internet access service. The proposed rules should also provide for notice of data breaches, and hold broadband providers accountable for any failure to take suitable precautions to protect personal data collected from users. In addition, the rules should require broadband providers to clearly disclose their data collection practices to subscribers, and allow subscribers to ascertain to whom their data is disclosed.”

NDIA’s process for deciding when to sign on to an issue is to ask the NDIA affiliates via our listserve. I received all positive responses to the question of signing onto this broadband privacy letter. Two of the responses received:

Sean McLaughlin, Executive Director, Access Humboldt stated:

“We have no doubt that privacy concerns are a substantial barrier to broadband adoption for many folks in our region.”

Mary Beth Henry, Director, Office for Community Technology, City of Portland stated:

“Privacy concerns were raised in all 5 of the focus groups we conducted last fall. The focus groups were conducted to help us understand how Portland could achieve universal adoption of broadband services for all residents, small businesses and community-based organizations.”

Here’s the full letter.