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The National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) Is pleased to announce the addition of its new Senior Fellow Amy Sheon, who will be taking on the role alongside her position as Executive Director of Urban Health Initiative, School of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University. Amy earned her MPH at the University of Michigan and a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and brings with her 25 years of working experience in government, academia and the non-profit sectors.
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The digital inclusion community has an unparalleled opportunity to advance its mission by leveraging the interests of the health care sector in interacting electronically with patients, and health care stands to benefit significantly by partnering with digital inclusion practitioners. Amy will share her vision for how NDIA and affiliates can partner with the health sector in improving health equity through digital inclusion efforts. She will also be presenting at NDIA’s Net Inclusion 2020 conference in September, providing commentary from diverse perspectives and facilitating attendee discussion on issues surrounding the intersection of digital inclusion and public health, and what the digitalization of healthcare means for the future. Amy has contributed several articles to Health Data Matters, including in-depth discussions into the FCC’s steps to modernize its Lifeline program.