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Caitlin Kvammen

Net Inclusion 2020 Registration is LIVE

Net Inclusion 2020 welcomes digital inclusion community practitioners, advocates, academics, Internet service providers, and policymakers to discuss:
  • local, state and federal policies and policy innovations impacting digital equity,
  • sources of financial and programmatic support of digital inclusion programs,
  • and digital inclusion best practices from across the country.

Net Inclusion will begin Tuesday, April 7th with workshop events in the morning and Digital Inclusion Site Tours in the afternoon. The Site Tours are included in the cost of registration of Day One. Wednesday, April 8th will be a full day of interactive sessions. Thursday April 9th will be a half day of interactive sessions and will conclude at 1:00 PM.

The Alliance for Technology Refurbishing and Reuse (AFTRR) Annual Meeting takes place on April 5-7 in Portland. AFTRR members meet, share, and learn from fellow nonprofit refurbishers. Admission is free. For insight into the technology refurbishing world, Net Inclusion participants are welcome to join the AFTRR Annual Meeting.

Register Here

Thank you to our Net Inclusion 2020 Sponsors!

If you would like to become a sponsor, please email [email protected]