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Caitlin Kvammen

NEW DATES for Net Inclusion 2020

Net Inclusion 2020 will be held in 
Portland, OR on September 1st – 3rd

Great! now what?

  • We will transfer every current registrant’s ticket to the new dates so you will not have to reregister. You will need to rebook your hotel room. We will send you a link to do so as soon as we can.
  • All Net Inclusion venues have remained the same. NDIA is attempting to keep all speakers and sessions the same, but will most certainly lose some speakers. We will keep sched up to date with these changes as they are confirmed.
  • As originally scheduled, the Annual Meeting of the Alliance for Technology Refurbishing and Reuse (AFTRR) will take place just prior to Net Inclusion, now scheduled for Sunday August 30 through Tuesday September 1. Venues for the AFTRR Annual Meeting will be announced as they are confirmed. 

Can’t make it?
We have done our best to choose the best dates for most people and are aware these dates will not work for everyone. We will be issuing refunds to anyone who is unable to attend. Refunds must be requested in Eventbrite.

To be clear, refunding registrations puts NDIA in a significant financial hole as we rely on Net Inclusion to keep our small non-profit afloat. If you would like to donate your registration fee, please contact [email protected].


A note from Angela –
I would like to take a moment to acknowledge all of our affiliates, partners, and planning teams who have been an incredible support for NDIA as we figure this out. We have received countless notes of gratitude, well wishes, and offers to assist. We are so thankful to have such a wonderful community surrounding us. We are honored to do this work for our community.

Thank you!