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Caitlin Kvammen

Net Inclusion 2022 – SAVE THE DATE

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Net Inclusion is back in person and excited to invite you to join us in Portland, Oregon February 15-17th, 2022!
We will begin Tuesday, February 15th with workshops at the University of Oregon’s Portland Campus and Digital Inclusion Site Tours. February 16th and 17th will be full of interactive sessions at Portland State University.
We expect 2022 to be the highest attended and viewed Net Inclusion to date with hundreds of digital inclusion community practitioners, advocates, academics, Internet service providers, and policymakers to discuss:
    • local, state, and federal policies and policy innovations impacting digital equity,
    • sources of financial and programmatic support of digital inclusion programs,
    • and digital inclusion best practices from across the country.

NDIA will announce registration and hotel accommodations shortly – stay tuned!

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[et_pb_slider show_pagination=”off” _builder_version=”4.0.6″ header_font=”|800|||||||” header_font_size=”24px” body_font=”|700|||||||” background_color=”#0b9599″ module_alignment=”center” custom_padding=”5px||5px||true” auto=”on” auto_speed=”8000″ hover_transition_duration=”0ms” z_index_tablet=”500″][et_pb_slide heading=”%22NDIA continues to be a leader in mobilizing the national conversation on these issues and creating space for us to come together to share learnings and innovate solutions. The conference format is collaborative and empowering – providing opportunities for peer-to-peer learning with inspiring keynotes, workshops, local site tours, and networking time.” ” _builder_version=”4.0.1″]Rebecca Gibbons, City of Portland [/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide heading=”“Amazing, a great place to network”” _builder_version=”3.21.1″ header_font=”|800|||||||” body_font=”|700|||||||” custom_padding=”5px||5px|”]DawnDra Landon, Program Manager at DigitalC [/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide heading=”“It was a wonderful experience, and I came away with a much deeper understanding of the issues and challenges we all face. I have not attended a conference with as many smart, dedicated, and enthusiastic people”” dot_nav_custom_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0)” _builder_version=”3.21.1″ body_font=”|700|||||||”]Matthew Robinson, Director of Distance Learning at GCFLearnFree [/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide heading=”“It was a wonderful conference, my favorite to attend–I always learn things and so enjoy interacting with people in this field from across the country.”” dot_nav_custom_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0)” _builder_version=”3.21.1″ body_font=”|700|||||||”]Amy Huffman, Research and Policy Specialist at North Carolina Department of Information Technology [/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide heading=”“This was absolutely the best conference I have been to in a long time – it was extremely applicable to my digital inclusion work, the attendees were all excited and enthusiastic to be there and to connect.”” _builder_version=”3.21.1″]Anonymous [/et_pb_slide][et_pb_slide heading=”“If you care about Digital Inclusion, you have to be at Net Inclusion. It seems like the entire Digital Inclusion community converges on the conference and you always are able to take multiple ideas home with you that you can quickly put into practice.”” _builder_version=”4.0.6″]Ed Blayney, Civic Technology Manager at Louisville Metro [/et_pb_slide][/et_pb_slider]