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Sandy Tharp-Thee

Pawnee Title VI (Elders/Seniors) Media Center

Monday was a wonderful way to start the week off, creating a media lab for the elders in the Title VI building at the Pawnee Tribe of Oklahoma Complex.  Title VI is the program with Native American tribes that offer programs for their elders age 55 and above including lunch each day.  This can mean delivery to homebound elders.  This service is very important the building is a gathering place and very welcoming.  The meals are healthy with the thought of the many health issues that Native people face.  Beside the Pawnee Title VI building is a garden with fresh vegetables and a keyhole garden.  Surrounding the sides are also raised garden beds with vegetables and fruits.  The director of Title VI is Deb Echohawk, she sent me an email with at least four thank you and one in capital letters for helping the elders have access to technology, training and the internet.   The big thank you goes out to our donor who donated the three desktops.  Presently the desktops will be running on a hotspot.  It is not ideal but is only temporary.  The IT manager has assured us that they have discovered what the problem is with the internet in the building – it is the fiber cable.  She said several people will be helping them get it corrected.  

The signal is not as strong as one would hope but the desktops seem to be working just fine.  I had lunch with the elders following the setup.  I went to each table, visiting with them reminding them that this Thursday would be our first Basic computer class.  Most are planning to attend and wanted to be assured again that the class would be a slow pace and I would not overwhelm them with terminology.  It appears that the last class they had was taught by IT with not much hands on and too much talking.  

I  learn that a few of the elders have computers that they do not use so most likely they do not have internet at home.  I will learn more about each one of them as the classes progress.  I don’t intend to ask a lot of questions, it is more fun to listen to their stories.  

Thursday each participant will be given a folder –  I found some with happy emojis on them.  I want to keep the stress level down and smiles up. I will be sharing all my simple handouts on the resource page.  Our first class does include questions, safety, fun mouse skills and looking at some of the shortcuts available.  That should take up one hour.  We will have a total of five classes but have the option of extending or coming back at least once a month for reviewing.  Just for fun – Here is the link to PC mousing around.