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Sandy Tharp-Thee

Plan Ahead for E-Rate

It is time to start thinking about e-rate now.  Discounts are based on the percentage of how many children attending school in your district that qualify for free or reduced lunches.  The discount can be from 20% to 90%.  The discount is applied to the internet used in the library –  Tribal libraries and special libraries do qualify.  There are filing dates and deadlines – be sure and put these on your calendar and seek help by calling your Tribal Liaison if you have any questions or State Library Professional will often have support people trained just on e-rate.  

E-rate is confusing especially for first time people but the good news is there is help.  Tribes are encouraged to visit Universal Service Administration Co. (USAC) They have a Tribal Training Initiative and Tribal Liaison.  The site contains crucial information.

Monthly webinars are held with live questions and answers.

2017 Schedule

If you would like to look at one more resource:

Our NDIA digital inclusion project has been about forming partners.  One of my partners in Oklahoma works with libraries, schools and tribes.  I would like to share a link to their website that gives information, webinars and important dates for e-rates.  They encourage people to call and email them too.