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Davida Delmar

Seven Star Communities: Calling for Applications for a New Initiative to Recognize Native Entities

Seven Star Communities is a new initiative to honor and celebrate Native nations accomplishing digital inclusion work. Native nations are a critical part of our network of digital inclusion practitioners here at NDIA. The Seven Star Communities program hopes to highlight outstanding work, and also provide an opportunity for Native nations to learn from each other.

The application for Seven Star Communities 2024 will open towards the end of August.

What are Seven Star Communities?

Seven Star Communities are Tribal governments, Native entities and organizations that are working toward digitally inclusive communities. The entities selected as Seven Star Communities provide models for sustainable solutions to support their digital inclusion ecosystem and address educational, health, economic, cultural, and social needs. The materials submitted in consideration of the Seven Star recognition will be public information for other communities to learn how other Native communities are adapting digital inclusion efforts in innovative ways and practicing effective, sustainable self-governance.

Purpose and Value

With the insight of our mentor group, made up of Indigenous practitioners across the U.S., we have developed guiding principles to help define the purpose and value of the Seven Star Communities program:

    • Serves as a peer Knowledge-Sharing Resource
    • Sets a Standard for Excellent Digital Inclusion Work in Tribal and Indigenous communities. 
    • Establishes an Honor Roll 
    • Promotes Digital Inclusion Work by Tribal governments and entities
    • Uphold the Tribal Community’s Sovereignty 
    • Reflects the Community’s Cultural Values

More information can be found on our website.

We are thrilled to host the Seven Star Community Program and highlight the growing body of excellent digital inclusion work serving Tribal and Indigenous communities and how they reflect each community’s dedication towards sustainable community development.

Angela Siefer Executive Director, National Digital Inclusion Alliance



Self-determination includes increasing governance capacities through strategic planning, dedicated funding, strong leadership support, and community engagement. We have identified seven categories that exemplify how Native and Indigenous entities are exercising self-governance and building digital inclusion ecosystems to impact future generations:

  • Community Champion
  • Planning Process
  • Tribal Government Support
  • Tribal Resources Available to Support the Work
  • Place-based Programs
  • Being a Steward for a Digital Equity Ecosystem
  • Our Stories

NDIA wants to recognize and honor those nations and communities who have Tribally-led digital inclusion efforts. We couldn’t have done this without the insight and expertise of our close partner, AMERIND Critical Infrastructure, a Tribally-owned and operated company, and our mentor group, who have all provided productive insight and direction to this project.

We can’t wait to hear from Native nations about  how they are leveraging the closure of the digital divide to strengthen self-determination, assert digital sovereignty, and uplift their thriving communities.

AMERIND Critical Infrastructure is honored to have partnered with NDIA over the past two years. This effort strives to recognize Native communities who are adapting to the new digital environment. They have been adapting digital inclusion efforts in innovative ways and practicing effective, sustainable self-governance.

Felix McGowan Director of AMERIND Critical Infrastructure at AMERIND Risk.