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Sandy Tharp-Thee

Teaching Elders Computer Skills

Every Friday for the past few weeks I have had the honor of teaching elders at the Sac and Fox library in Stroud, OK.  It has given me the opportunity to test out curriculum on “real” people, guide, answer questions and listen.  I always come away thinking how much more I receive than give.  My students are all special but one of the gentleman, Robert is a joy. I would like to share some of his story.  He is ageless, intelligent holds several degrees including a Masters and is at least a foot and several inches taller than me.  As a young man working on his masters he worked under the early part of President John F. Kennedy administration researching physical health.   Robert monitored and tested over 4,000 young men, grouping then into 4 groups based on stature and weight.  Keep in mind this was in the 1960’s and there were no computers.  He kept track of everything by hand.  He shares his results with me and laughs as he tells how his technique compared to another teacher who had a military background.  I am very humbled to teach this man and get to know him.  It is his turn to smile when the Sac and Fox librarian gives him is much earned “Mousing” certificate.  (I believe we were all smiling.)

You may visit this very fun free mousing exercise and earn a “Mousing” certificate too.

It is an easy way to build confidence and helps anyone feel more comfortable in using the mouse.