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Sandy Tharp-Thee

Town of Boley Media Center and Digital Inclusion

Boley Computer Lab
New Media Center and temporary library

The Town of Boley now has a media center, thanks to a donation of four desktops by the Cornell Computer Reuse Association and our NDIA project.  The community has been without a library for about a decade.  When the computers were set up, the major looked at them and said, “Well, now no one will have to use our personal computers anymore.”  

Some of the Books donated – The town has been without a Library for about ten years.

The Town of Boley is a rural community with only one choice of internet service at a speed of 12 mbps.  Wi-Fi cards were installed inside the desktops and technical support had to be called.  A land line phone had to be used – no cell phone coverage here.  However the signal was strong and worked well on the desktops although we did experience dropped signal several times.  The major said, “It is what it is.”   The four desktops are placed in the community room at City Hall as well as the donated books.  City Hall is open six days a week and in the evening for special events.    A schedule will soon be announced for basic computer skills at City Hall and books (also donated by several sources including Oklahoma Department of Libraries)


From the left:
Suzette Chang, Library Director Guthrie Public Library
Francis Shelton, Major Town of Boley
Sandy Tharp-Thee, Digital Inclusion Corps Member

The media center will have a lasting impact on the community.  The closest town is 13 miles away but many of the town members (young students) don’t drive.  In closing I would like to say that creating the media center inspires other people to want to help too.  One of the workers here at OK Department of Libraries told me – be sure and tell the major I’m from the Duke family.  (I did.)  He is now donating books to the new library that is a work in progress.  I look forward to continue to work with the Town of Boley on their training needs.