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Drew Lauderdale

Working With Local Internet Service Providers

I would like to make a note here to update you all on the project, and how ExploraConnect is working with local internet service providers to bring the community together around the issue of affordable internet access at our outreaches. I’d also like to talk a little more about adapting materials and use the local ISP case study to show how it is all coming together.

The two local ISPs I’d like to look at are Choice Wireless in San Juan County and Sacred Winds Communications in McKinley County. For the ExploraConnect outreach in early September I have contacted Choice Wireless to host a table at the event at the Dine’ College Library, and though we still must cross a few lines of red tape before we get there, I’m enthusiastic to see their representatives at our event like they are all across the Northern Navajo Agency (Just take a look at their events page). For our outreach to the Baca Prewitt area in the Eastern Navajo Agency I’m excited to say we are working closely with Sacred Winds Communications. On the 10th of this month I will be hosting a presentation at their corporate office in Albuquerque to discuss collaboration and potential partnership with ExploraConnect for this outreach and hopefully as a sustaining partner after the conclusion of this pilot.

In my blog post titled “Adapting Materials and Busting Silos Part 1” I talked about this chart from Tech Goes Home Chattanooga. Though this chart and its listed affordable internet options may work well for Chattanooga and rural residents of Bernalillo Co, it has few options for rural New Mexicans in San Juan and McKinley Counties, especially for residents of the Navajo Nation. I am excited to add options to this chart from local ISPs like Frontier, Sacred Winds and Choice to make this chart work for them.

Let’s keep breaking down silos like  wrecking balls and sharing all that is making us more effective individually to bridge the gap together!